Armenian All Saints Church and Community Center

The Armenian Revolutionary Federation was founded in 1890 by revolutionary heroes Christapor, Rosdom, and Zavarian with the purpose of propagating the cause of a free, united and independent Armenia.
The Chicago “Christapor” Committee was founded in 1896.
Since the early days of the Armenian settlements in Chicago, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation members have played a central role in the progress of Armenian community life. They have provided significant contributions to the development of community’s national, social, cultural and religious life.
The Chicago ARF provided leadership in the spirit of cooperation to foster the establishment of the first Armenian Apostolic Church in the mid-west, in West Pullman, Illinois in 1924. When the Chicago community needed a church of its own, the ARF undertook this challenge with many of its members becoming charter members of the Armenian All Saints Apostolic Church, providing moral and financial support.
Confident that the church and community are in good hands, the ARF has dedicated its commitment to pursuing “Hai Tahd” activities, as outlined in the accompanying Armenian National Committee (ANC) profile. The ARF will remain the vanguard of Armenian freedom and independence, ever ready and willing to contribute to the needs of our church and nation.

Armenian Revolutionary Federation